Friday 5 January 2018

Demon Sword

This is from Inktober last year. This is a version of a "Sword" So a demon sword that took possession of a spirit.

Thursday 7 September 2017

New Creature Heads

Theses are new creature heads I drew in Sketchbook. 
I am going to colour them in soon....

Thursday 17 August 2017

Wednesday 5 July 2017

New Kind of Heads

Just rough sketches of heads that I did in sketchbook.

Geo Shapes

Just some shapes that I did in sketchbook. with 3-point perspective

Sunday 2 July 2017

creature alien ???

Just something I wanted it to try to draw on Sketchbook

robot warrior

This is a coloured version. Trying colours out. Might change it to something else.
Not done yet. Still some more to add.
This is a clean version of it. With some new add on's. I change the legs.
This is a rough sketch of a 4 leg robot with rocket busters on its back.